Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Teaching Evolution in Kansas as Viewed by Daniel Andres

Part of a post from a Spanish language blog known 'El Blog de Daniel Andres' (The Blog of Daniel Andres) is included below. The blog is supportive of intelligent design. The particular post quoted from refers to the recent controversy in Kansas over the teaching of evolution in public schools. I'll summarize the main points in English and then comment on them.

Kansas está inmerso en una discusión sobre los estándares de la educación en las escuelas públicas al respecto del darwinismo. Los críticos de Darwin están lanzando una propuesta llamada Stand Up for Science en la cual buscan reunir firmas para que, empezando por Kansas, la forma en la que se enseña a Darwin sea corregida. En plata blanca esto significa enseñar las fortalezas y debilidades de la teoría pues en USA solo se enseña que Darwin tiene fortalezas, olvidando que toda teoría científica, inclusive el DI, tiene debilidades. De lo que no trata es de enseñar posturas diferentes sobre los orígenes; teorías como el creacionismo, la simbiosis, el DI o la auto-organización compleja. Ninguna de esas busca enseñarse, la reforma solo pide enseñar fortalezas y debilidades de Darwin.

Al enseñar que el darwinismo es tan absoluto como la demostración de un teorema (que solo tiene certezas), se les está diciendo a los estudiantes que no hay forma de negar el evolucionismo. Curiosamente eso la haría dogma, no ciencia, pero eso es algo que les preocupa poco a los fieles de la religión darwinista.

Daniel Andres alludes to the fact that there was an attempt to require that both the strengths and weaknesses of Darwin's theory be taught in public schools. As of now he notes that only supportive data is presented to students and that evolution is presented as undeniable. This is dogmatic not scientific but that, notes the author, is a small concern to followers of the Darwinian religion.

On purely educational or scientific grounds it is difficult to justify withholding data that is problematic for current theories of origin and current beliefs about genetic changes over time. There is much such data. I've referred to some of it in blog entries at this site.

When Darwinists attempt to suppress information, under the guise of protecting science, they ironically arouse the curiosity of youth and whet their appetite for further information about intelligent design. They may gain short term victories like the one in Kansas, but at the expense of unwitting encouragement of a longer range struggle against Darwinian orthodoxy.


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