Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Anti-Christian Rhetoric- the Reason

A paragraph from a blog entry at Stephen Jones's CreationEvolutionDesign titled "Q-R" contains a paragraph that I will break down into parts for the purpose of commentary. (Quotes in blue):

"Mistakes peculiar to scientists. Just as there are certain mistakes that a theologian is susceptible to there are ones that the scientist is just as susceptible to in the relationship of theology to science. The first of these mistakes is to have an anti-religious attitude. No system of knowledge can be learned without some sympathy or kindly feeling toward the system- something pointed out long ago by Augustine but never fully appreciated by educators or epistemologists.

The study of nature and the natural laws which govern it is not intrinsically anti-Christian. However superfluous philosophical assumptions can become part of the "system of knowledge" associated with science. For example, science entails the study of natural phenomenon. The sympathy or kindly feeling referred to by Augustine is, of necessity, focused on the assumption that what we test must conform to predictable natural laws. The universe of science is natural and the philosophy of naturalism a predictable outgrowth of this. But if the belief that reality is confined to nature gains the sympathy of a student, opposition to any doctrine encompassing a wider view of reality it is the next step in a progression of thinking. Naturalism precludes God and miracles become equated with mythology.

Dogmatists study science as well as theology. The evangelical indicates that man is a spiritual rebel and his spirit of rebellion is reflected in all his activities. Unregenerate man opposes the doctrines of creation, sin, redemption, and eschatology. A man may be religious and yet anti-Christian. Opposition to Christianity at the level of science is in many instances simply localized or vocalized opposition to Christianity in general.

Cherry picked scientific data become the club and public forums, hosting exchanges about the origin and diversity of life, the arena for bashing Christianity and all that is associated with it including Christians in such forums.

Therefore anti-Christian man takes pleasure in making the gap between science and Christianity as wide as he can make it, and will heartlessly ridicule any efforts at reconciliation. In this instance, the gap between science and Christianity is in reality the gap between faith and unbelief." (Ramm, 1954, p.38).

This is why you will often see critiques of Noah's flood and other biblical incidents at sites said to be focused on evolution and intelligent design. Belief and unbelief is the real dividing line for most.



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